Wednesday 1 January 2014

New Year, New You

So 2014 is with us, the nights get lighter and thoughts turn the coming season. It might be all too much for Swann at 34 but for the Village forty and fifty somethings it means only one thing - long protracted discussions about getting in shape, shedding a few pounds and new bats - and of these topics it is the last that will be addressed with dedication and gusto. As for the others its anyone's guess - but a call to arms has been issued for pre-season circuits - this year featuring instructional videos on Pilates projected onto the club-house wall. Whether this is inside or out we are yet to be advised.

While much of the talk of getting is shape is simply hot air - pre-season amateur hour guarantees it with team bonding based on letting everyone know what you have just had for your tea (but not in a conversational way).

The Crofter will keep you posted on progress (or lack of it)


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